Angela Boulter Angela Boulter

European Summer Chic: Essential Tips for Looking Fabulous Abroad

European Summer Chic: Essential Tips for Looking Fabulous Abroad

Ah, Europe in summer. The mere thought conjures up visions of sun-drenched beaches, cobblestone streets, charming cafes, and oh-so-chic-fashion. But before you hastily toss your entire wardrobe into a suitcase and dash to the airport, let’s have a little chat about how to pack like a pro and look effortlessly fabulous while in travel mode.

Welcome ladies, to your guide for a stylish European summer vacation. We’ve curated the perfect mix of tips covering travel, fashion, and jewellery to ensure you sparkle from the Mediterranean to the Nordic fjords.

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Angela Boulter Angela Boulter

From Ocean to Jewellery Box: Bringing the Guilt-Free Glamour

From Ocean to Jewellery Box: Bringing the Guilt-Free Glamour

In a world increasingly focused on sustainability and eco-friendly practices, our quest for sparkle can come with a clear conscience. At Mare De Vetro, we are committed to leading the way.

Welcome Ladies. Today, we’re talking about pearls and how they make their way from the pristine depths of the ocean, all the way to your fabulous jewellery box. And the best part of this story? It’s guilt-free glamour.

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Angela Boulter Angela Boulter

Unlocking your potential: The power of accessories

Unlocking your potential: The power of accessories

Today, the rules have changed, giving rise to a more eclectic and individualistic approach to styling. It’s all about mixing and matching, playing with textures and proportions, and expressing your unique personality through your accessories. Gone are the days of strict coordination. The key is fearlessness. Want to mix your leopard print pumps with a floral handbag and a studded belt? Go right ahead.

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Angela Boulter Angela Boulter

Introducing the Makers of Mare De Vetro

With a love for performance and creativity making a strong appearance in their family history, it is no wonder these two have come to be the makers behind this gorgeous brand.

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